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Amnesty International’s Regional Director for Georgia: We have seen many parliaments adopting draconian laws, but I don’t recall seeing a parliament doing it on this scale and in such a short time

Amnesty International’s Regional Director on Georgia: "We have seen many parliaments adopting draconian laws, but I don’t recall seeing a parliament doing it on this scale and in such a short time."

Denis Krivosheev, Amnesty International’s Regional Director, made this statement in an interview with the Georgian service of "Voice of America."

According to him, it is alarming to see how authorities are tightening regulations that control public space and restrict people's right to protest and freedom of speech.

"We work in this region and have seen many parliaments passing draconian laws, but I don’t remember seeing a parliament doing it on this scale and at such speed. The Georgian government treats fundamental human rights as something it can decide—when people can exercise them and when they cannot. This new legislation follows the same pattern. It restricts the right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression. We have seen attacks on the media, civil society, and anything that challenges the authorities' desire to control public space, which appears to be the main target. We are concerned about the increasing restrictions on public spaces and the ability of people to exercise their right to protest and freedom of speech. Now we see increased fines related to bans that are selective and contradict Georgia’s international obligations. The scope and application of these draconian rules are expanding," Krivosheev said.

He also spoke about the detained protesters, stating that they are being denied the right to a fair trial, while "the government encourages the police."

"When people take to the streets, they have the right to be there, to speak out. But the police and authorities treat this differently. They arbitrarily distinguish between 'authorized' and 'unauthorized' protests. When they decide that people should not be there, they treat it as an illegal gathering. Arrests in such circumstances are selective. This contradicts the essence of the law and human rights, yet the police continue to do it with brutality. Their goal is to remove as many people as possible from the streets, treating them harshly. Those who issue these orders and those who carry them out must be held accountable. But this is not happening right now. We do not see it. The scale and severity of this violence are deeply concerning. There is a clear pattern—protesters are being selectively detained. There is no distinction between those who engaged in violence or broke the law and those who were simply present. After arrest, detainees are mistreated, taken to police stations, and then denied access to lawyers. Court hearings are rushed, where judges accept police testimonies as fact. Meanwhile, we see ample evidence that the police beat and mistreat demonstrators in multiple ways—denying them food, releasing them far from their homes, and, most disturbingly, sending many to the hospital. This is not just a few isolated cases; we are talking about significant numbers. People are being arrested simply for having a dissenting voice. This clearly indicates a premeditated policy of targeting protesters with violence, knowing that there will be no consequences for those responsible," Krivosheev stated.

He also expressed skepticism about justice being served in investigating police violence.

"The responsibility for investigating this violence lies with the authorities. However, they are the ones committing these crimes, so the hope for justice is minimal. But history does not end here. Those who are attacking peaceful protesters will one day have to answer for their actions," he said.

Regarding the case of Mzia Amaghlobeli, the founder of "Batumelebi", Krivosheev noted that it demonstrates the government’s intent to show everyone "how brutally it will respond to any protest."

He also stated that the government and police attack journalists because they see them as a threat.

"There is no doubt that journalists are a group that the police and authorities perceive as a threat to what they are doing. That is why they are attacking them. They are targeted more frequently than others. The arrests and fines imposed on journalists are selective. No one should be treated this way, but journalists are particularly identified and singled out in every case. They arrive with cameras, microphones, and stories they are trying to share with the world," Krivosheev said.

Michał Kobosko - we hope that your government eventually would either choose the European way, the democratic way or would resign seeing the number, the size and scale of the citizens' protests