Edison Research: If the parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, 34% of the respondents would vote for "Georgian Dream", 19.2% - "Unity: National Democratic Party, strategy of building, European Georgia", 10.6% - "For Georgia - Giorgi Gakharia"

According to Edison Research's research, if the parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, the majority of respondents, 34% would vote for "Georgian Dream", 19.2% for "Unity: National Democratic Party, strategy for building, European Georgia", 10.6% for "For Georgia - Giorgi Gakharia".

As for other political forces, the ranking of other parties is as follows:"Strong Georgia: Lelo, for the people, Freedom Square, citizens" - 9.8%New Unity Gvaramia Melia - 9.1%;Girchi (Iago Khvichia) - 5.9%;Labor Party - 5.1%;Alliance of Patriots/Alt Info - 3%;We - Davit Katsarava - 2.1%;other parties - 1.2%;

The public opinion survey was conducted by the international research company Edison Research on the order of "Formula" TV station.

Within the framework of the research, 1,000 people aged 18 and older with the right to vote living in Georgia were interviewed by random sampling by face-to-face survey method. The margin of error is +/- 2.5% for Georgia and +/- 2.5% for Tbilisi, for a 95% confidence interval. Field work was carried out between August 29 and September 8.

Michael Roth - Stop these conspiracy theories. Stop these lies!
Estonian Ambassador to Georgia - If we want EU membership, we should all play by the rules - The Georgian Government on the one hand says that they are moving closer to the EU, but their actions do not prove that